CIS 565: GPU Programming and ArchitectureFall 2013
University of Pennsylvania |
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Course Overview • FAQ • Schedule • Student Work • Previous semester |
DescriptionA timely selection from the following topics: GPU hardware, CUDA, massively parallel algorithms, graphics pipeline, real-time rendering, 3D engine architecture, asset formats, OpenGL, OpenGL ES, WebGL, and mobile GPUs. This is a project-intensive course with significant coding, writing, and presenting. It is more work than any other course, but it is worth it. Prerequisites
Patrick Cozzi, Teaching Assistant
Liam Boone, Meeting
Monday and Wednesday, 6-7:30pm, Moore 212 Online
Recommonded BooksNo books are required, but course material comes from many sources including:
Academic IntegrityAn academic integrity violation will result in the student receiving an F in this course. See Academic Integrity at the University of Pennsylvania: A Guide for Students. Lab Resources
AcknowledgementsJoe Kider, Gary Katz, and Suresh Venkatasubramanian taught this course before me. All my former TAs have helped shape this course: Karl Li, Varun Sampath, and Jon McCaffrey. Previous students have provided significant course feedback including: Xing Du, Karl Li, and Ian Lilley. Many passionate folks in our field have also provided course input: Johan Andersson, (@repi),Quarup Barreirinhas, (@quarup), Wolfgang Engel, (@wolfgangengel), Mikkel Gjoel, (@pixelmager), Eric Haines, (@pointinpolygon), Dominik Lazarek, (@Omme), Emil Persson, (@_Humus_), and Christophe Riccio, (@g_truc). |